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Loops in C

8:37 AM 0

In every programming language, thus also in the C programming language, there are circumstances were you want to do the same thing many t...

If else

9:34 PM 0

if else The general format for these are, if( condition 1 ) statement1; else if( condition 2 ) statement2; else if( condition 3 ) sta...

If keyword

10:35 AM 0

The keyword if tells the compiler that what follows is a decision control instructions. The condition of the keyword is always enclosed with...


10:46 AM 0

C program generally supports operators which are listed below : - subtraction(-), addition(+), multiplication(*), division(/), modular divi...

8:29 PM 0

Write a C program to get the sum of two digit? #include<stdio.h> main() { int a,b sum=0; printf("Enter the first number...


12:21 PM 0

There are only 32 keywords available in C. Keywords are the words whose meaning has been already explained in c compiler. The keywords a...

Constants in C

1:06 PM 0

What is constants in C? C constants can be divided in two major categories: 1.         Primary constants 2.         Secondary cons...

About C language

1:03 PM 0

C is a general – purpose programming language initially developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. It was ...